Water World

Mint Images
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We play in the water. Sometimes we even work in the water. And of course, we use water on a daily basis as we go through life. We are looking for innovative imagery that illustrates our deep connection to all things related to water. Be creative and innovative and show us you best water-related imagery! Special consideration will be given to images that prominently feature people as they work and play in the world around them.

Please note that recognizable people and places must have valid model/property releases.

Mint Images is about telling stories about the world we live in. Our photographers are master storytellers that are passionate about capturing our world in a unique, authentic and visually compelling manner.

All nominated images will be considered for co-exclusivity in the Mint Images collection for licensing to its world-class clients and partners throughout the globe.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Photo Size :
10MP+ (ex: 3648x2736px+)
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Paid Post to Instagram :
I agree that my photos will be co-exclusive to this StudioNow Photo Partner :
Adventure Holidays Leisure Nature People Sports and Recreation Travel Underwater
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

8 years ago - Hi @Nodar, @56e9683d76b315db1c7b23c6. Congratulations! You have been selected by Mint Images as the winner for our Request!! :-) We have made payment for your image. Thank you for your submissions, and please do look out for our further Requests - we’d love to see many more of your images!
8 years ago - Thanks very much for the nomination!
8 years ago - Hello! It doesn't let me upload a photo, requiring a model release. My photos don't have anyone recognizable and I put a mark about it in photo details. What should I do to upload my shoots?
8 years ago - I've submitted a image. Hope you've had the chance to check it out. Cheers!
8 years ago - Thanks so much for all your great images! Please continue to review the Creative Brief, three Inspirational Images, and Nominated Images for creative guidance. Continue to send more great images in. Thank you!
8 years ago - It won't let me upload a photo that doesn't have recognizable people in it. I wanted to post silhouetted people.
8 years ago - Thanks again for another nomination!
8 years ago - Thank you so much for the noms!! ;)
8 years ago - Thanks so much for the nomination :)
8 years ago - Thank you for the nominations:)
8 years ago - thank you so much for the nomination:)
8 years ago - Great request I just uploaded two new photos be sure to check them out!
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!!
8 years ago - Thank you so much for the nominations :)
8 years ago - Thank you again Mint Images for another nomination!!
8 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination :)))
8 years ago - Great request! I have so many photos I wish I could submit them all. Good luck everyone :)
8 years ago - Thank you for the nominations :)
8 years ago - Thank you for the Nominations.
8 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination!
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination! Much appreciated.
8 years ago - Thank you so much for the nominations.
8 years ago - @mint Images. Thanks for the nominations!
8 years ago - I shoot on my Nikon 5200 and download to my iPad via card reader
8 years ago - @Rickk22 Do you download from your phone connected to your camera's wifi? There must be a setting to specify the size of the download pic, and probably of the preview pic if you can shoot on your camera from your phone also. Look for those settings and change them to the highest. Hope it helps
8 years ago - I always shoot with a Nikon 5200 but yet when I go to download pictures it says it's only 3.1 megapixel can you explain
8 years ago - thankful for the opportunity to submit :) thanks Mint Images. good luck to all.