hood, fur, collar, eu, school-age child, portrait, student, schoolfellow, one, western, girl, hat, coat, scandinavia, kid, horizontal, young girl, iceland, northern europe, portraiture, child, schoolchild, reykjavik, pupil, age, warm, elementary, blue, european union, children, europe, eyes, cold, juvenile, national capital, show, simple, seat, alliance, strip, schoolmate, clothing, port, low temperature, city, acquaintance, europium, temperature, district, movie, feature, 1, unity, european country, youngster, statement, capital, social event, minor, direction, woman, urban area, peninsula, band, landmass, adult, young person, world organization, lass, center, ace, person, coldness, enrollee
Iceland, Reykjavik, portrait of young girl in the cold with warm coat and hat Anthony Asael; blue eyes; Child; Children; Children Only; coat; cold; Elementary Age; Elementary Student; EU; Europe; European Union; Girl; Horizontal; Kid; Northern Europe; One Child Only; One Girl Only; portrait; Portraiture; Pupil; Reykjavik; Scandinavia; School-Age Child; schoolchild; Schoolfellow; warm; Western Europe;