cf_c, fierce, home, guard, alone, single, one, one animal, one animal only, one adult only, single animal, predator, watch, watching, above, bird life, bird of prey, bird, bird's eye view, bird's-eye view, stand, standalone, standing, standing at attention, look, look at camera, look at the camera, from above, from below, side, body, beak, head, sitting down, legs, waiting, protect, territory, control, 1 animal only, b/w, b & w, vertical, vertebrate, no person, wooden, white, black, birdcage, sensory activity, passage, enclosure, stamina, strength, power, district, endurance, exclusively, writing, 1, unity, music, animal, wrongdoer, wait, marauder, direction, ferocious, viewpoint, attacker, countenance, mouth, standpoint, observation, orifice, timepiece, ace, expression, appearance, face, person, furious, solely, sensing
Bird of prey perching on a pole in the sky. Black and white image.