cat, kitten, animal, animal baby, feline, black and white, b/w, black and white image, black & white, black, white background, white, white back ground, white backgound, house cat, sleep, sleeping, resting, eyes closed, close up, close up view, at close range, body, upper body, head, ears, face, paw, leg, legs, shaded, shade, seat, couch, seating, seating furniture, lit, daylit, day, outdoor, outside, half length, half, portrait, content, contentment, solo, 1, 1 animal, 1 animal only, one, single, single animal, solitude, serene, independent, alone, cf_c, paws, toes, claws, tired, rest, pose, contrast, eyed, lying, panel, leather, closed, brown, humanistic discipline, literary study, furnishing, limb, illumination, happiness, stamina, discipline, twenty-four hours, one-half, strength, sheet, claw, endurance, young, exclusively, unity, airs, calm, affectedness, toe, literature, mugwump, individualist, hand, dark, separation, semidarkness, unnaturalness, ear, remainder, furniture, young mammal, room, ace, isolation, person, statement, sofa, mammal, solely
Black and white kitten laying on a white background, half lit, half shaded