top, meatloaf, milk, spoon, egg, glass, two, fork, table knife, mug, jam, filled, spreaded, bacon strips, omelet, breads, plate, coffee, toast, eggs, napkin, bacon, silverware, jelly, sausage, coffee table, gamete, dairy product, edge tool, baked goods, tableware, furnishing, dainty, dish, table, conserve, cut, loaf of bread, ovum, cell, 2, sweet, furniture, knife, cutter, food, starches, tool, drygoods, bacon strip, cut of pork, gelatin, meat loaf, flatware, confiture, ware, table linen, bread, meat, cutlery, linen, beverage
eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee, milk, table, plate, silverware, napkin, toast, jelly