a coruna, a coruna province, a bird in the hand, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, a chain is as strong as its weakest link, s bahn, s.u.v., s&m product, s&m products, s pombe, d, d.c, d.c., d-i-y, d. c, fable, fables, fabric, fabric background, fabric backgrounds, ga, g.b, gable, g-string, g-strings, h20, h2o, h5n1, h5n1 virus, h1n1 mask, j, jab, jabs, jack, j. a. kraulis, kale, kabab, kababs, kabul, kaknas tower, l a, l plate, l plates, l-plate, l-plates, ca, cab, cabbage, cabbages, cabin, fat-soluble vitamin, taxi, sport utility, national capital, wall, DC, seat, cruciferous vegetable, writing, clothing, district of columbia, city, story, sheet, district, literary composition, vitamin d, fiction, textile, state, California, capital, employee, wheeled vehicle, compartment, District of Columbia, plate, american state, Georgia, food, urban area, vehicle, worker, vitamin, water, vegetable, produce, california, motor vehicle, joule, legend, room, georgia, laborer, center, cloth, work unit, workman, person, federal district, car, woman's clothing, gesture