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mountains, phenomenon, low, salt, lowest, daytime, fresh, sparkling, residue, sea-level, shimmer, landscape, nature, natural, vacation, dead sea, seagrass, open, earth, gem, visit, vast, sand, horizon, elevation, outdoor, beach, middle east, refraction, sinkhole, hidden, exploring, deposits, sparkles, occurrence, exploration, waves, tourism, desert, therapy, heat, point, saltwater, aqua, beautiful, sunshine, israel, art, microorganism, expedition, soil, rest, protoctist, daylight, seaweed, greenish blue, vicinity, ground, blue, mountain, district, sparkle, sun, travel, treasure, lake, sunlight, time off, liveliness, immense, outside, animation, new, heat energy, holiday, treatment, scenery, activeness, degree, huge, medical care, leisure, wave, water, countenance, land, peak, spark, height, remainder, day, low-lying, novel, vitality, acme, light, work, appearance, seawater, journey, out of sight, alga, expression, sediment, care, concealed


Natural occurrence, View of Dead Sea, Israel, lowest point on earth, low elevation, below sea level, sink hole, aqua, sparkles, refraction, beautiful, sand, beach, hidden gem, mountains, horizon, Middle East, desert, salt water, dead sea salt, fresh and salt water sinkhole, sparkling, shimmer, daytime, heat, sunshine, view, vast, open, nobody, outdoor, therapy, vacation, tourism, exploration, exploring, visit, nature, phenomenon, amazing, landscape, sea grass, waves, salt deposits, salt residue


Adventure/Extreme Destinations

  • ID: 59495534392d2e00108b4572
  • Original Size: 4032 x 3024px
  • Subscription: Available
  • License Type: Royalty Free
  • Upload Date: June 20, 2017
  • Permission: Not Applicable or No.
  • Editorial Use: Yes
  • Commercial Use: Yes