vibrant color, shape, weight lifter, pose, workout, power, woman, veins, studio, white, sport, smiling, strength, training, smile, trainer, tough, young, portrait, copy space, portraits, path, isolated, person, muscle, strong, black background, expression, model, gym, backlit, healthy, dramatic, caucasian, intensity, body, one, lifestyle, adult, fit, athlete, muscular, fitness, health, exercise, active, attractive, female, haired, black, tank top, facial expression, facility, wellbeing, gymnasium, course, age group, athletic facility, shirt, utilization, clothing, tube, striking, 1, unity, airs, vein, statement, wrongdoer, affectedness, way of life, leader, hairy, life style, someone, bully, spectacular, prosperity, good fortune, attacker, countenance, fortune, blood vessel, grin, unnaturalness, look, ace, work, appearance, diversion, face, youth, magnitude, workplace, grownup, grinning, gesture
A good looking female weightlifter smiles for the camera. She is on a black background and is backlit. There is a path to cut the woman out from the background.