body, gym, white, fit, female, workout, trainer, expression, fitness, intense, health, training, young, veins, weight lifter, woman, vibrant color, healthy, intensity, black background, studio, model, shape, isolated, strong, lifestyle, muscular, muscle, person, one, tough, backlit, path, active, strength, stare, exercise, portrait, portraits, sport, caucasian, adult, dramatic, pose, attractive, copy space, power, athlete, yoga, wearing, black, pants, blue, tank top, sensory activity, facility, wellbeing, gymnasium, course, someone, age group, athletic facility, shirt, utilization, clothing, tube, striking, 1, unity, airs, statement, wrongdoer, affectedness, way of life, leader, life style, trouser, bully, spectacular, prosperity, good fortune, attacker, countenance, fortune, blood vessel, vein, unnaturalness, look, ace, work, appearance, diversion, face, youth, magnitude, workplace, grownup, sensing
A female weightlifter stares intensely into the camera while holding a kettle bell. She is on a black background and is backlit.