weights, workout, woman, training, weight, sport, weight lifter, strong, studio, tough, weightlifting, stare, strength, power, trainer, sportswear, pose, white background, standing, plates, portraits, path, person, muscle, muscular, one, glare, lift, isolated, lifting, lifestyle, fit, intense, healthy, focused, fitness, heavy, female, health, portrait, effort, exercise, athletic, biceps, body, athlete, determination, caucasian, barbell, adult, active, carrying, shorts, black, tank top, sensory activity, performer, sports equipment, lifting device, good fortune, course, tableware, someone, elevator, bodybuilding, endeavor, clothing, acrobatic, prosperity, shirt, utilization, decision, unity, actor, 1, fortune, gymnastic, airs, statement, attire, wrongdoer, affectedness, way of life, leader, conclusion, plate, life style, trouser, bully, attempt, short pants, attacker, diversion, flatware, ace, ware, judgment, weightlift, unnaturalness, look, skeletal muscle, brightness, light, work, wellbeing, try, workplace, entertainer, grownup, sensing
Tough, female weightlifter holds a barbell in a dead lift with an intense glare for the camera. There is a path around the woman.