Explorer's photos cannot be purchased


mammal, animal, pet, dog, canine, playing, ball, beach, sand, coast, shore, ocean, fun, happy, cheerful, joy, relaxation, vacation, holiday, san diego, jumping, jump, chase, chasing, playful, splash, wet, spotted, white, black, waves, friend, friendly, force, soil, wetness, seashore, earth, rest, sport, time off, leap, noise, moisture, leisure, wave, diversion, repose, military personnel, domestic animal, sound, tooth, person, track and field, bone, pursuit


A pit bull jumps to fetch a ball splashing in the water in the ocean at Dog Beach, Ocean Beach, San Diego, California.


Summer Adventures

  • ID: 5961e6aeefac1848118b456d
  • Original Size: 5632 x 3755px
  • Subscription: Available
  • License Type: Royalty Free
  • Upload Date: July 9, 2017
  • Permission: Not Applicable or No.
  • Editorial Use: Yes
  • Commercial Use: Yes