house, broken, glass, deserted, building, boarded, up, creepy, abandoned, barracks, blue, skies, sky, brown, dangerous, decay, demolished, destruction, dirt, dirty, doors, dunes, faded, gables, gap, green, grunge, hillside, holes, houses, housing, military, modern, off-white, old, overgrown, paint, peeling, rustic, siding, spooky, tan, vacant, vandalism, vandalized, waste, white, windows, wood, wrecked, grass, daytime, lawn, slope, armed forces, gable, code, dwelling, wall, soil, coating, ivory, commoner, daylight, coding system, lodging, force, unclean, railroad track, ridge, opening, writing, field, sand dune, railroad siding, desquamation, dirtiness, plant, door, wrongdoing, barrier, track, herb, gas, dune, barrack, hole, misbehavior, day, upwards, living quarters, operating system, soiled, bleached, person, edifice, mischief, termination, upward, skittish, bone, software
defunct buildings on coastal hillside with trees, bushes and puffy white clouds