square, peaceful, foot, bare, mature, romance, date, sweetheart, relationship, husband, male, evening, quiet, adult, wife, together, female, senior, resort, promenade, person, feeling, outing, ocean, coast, sand, outdoor, 2, summer, relax, embrace, romantic, people, two, water, barefoot, hug, sunset, shore, beach, woman, man, walk, family, couple, sea, love, seaside, vacation, walking, seashore, gathering, soil, household, haunt, someone, sundown, pass, earth, undergraduate, time off, base on balls, nude, travel, outside, grasping, idealist, holiday, rectangle, season, love affair, leisure, domestic partner, journey, student, pair, spouse, day, clasp, accomplishment, visionary, naked, collegian, enrollee, lover, grownup, amble, excursion, silence
Senior couple walking together along the coast. Man embracing the woman while they having enjoyable barefoot outing on the beach