Select & Nominated Royalty Free License



Large $75

4076x2707 px | 13.6"x9" @ 300dpi


desktop, desktop computer, desktop computers, laptop, laptop pc, laptop computer, disk, disks, drive, drives, external, indoor, indoor shot, indoors, speakers, display, display screen, adobe, premiere, keyboard, mouse, tablet, tabletop, memory, video, photo, photography, photography gear, photography equipment, photography supplies, editor, workspace, workspaces, working, work, workplace, workplaces, computer, data, data card, data disk, data disks, security, monitor, Dell, black, flat, screen, turned, headphones, layout, pro, tools, actual, card, notebook, backup, pen, portable computer, supervisor, campaign, show, excavation, soil, safety, hollow, rodent, peer, crusade, design, earth, earphone, demonstration, superior, on the job, personal computer, TV, feature, machine, outside, book, speaker, venture, animal, social event, international, valley, leader, fill-in, relief, disc, medium, proctor, telecommunication, sound recording, phonograph record, tool, clay, worker, dell, paper, articulator, electrical device, broadcasting, photograph, television, level, undertaking, inside, skilled worker, cover, recording, person, plane, transducer, electro-acoustic transducer, mammal, work surface, stand-in


Photo & video editor's desktop layout showcasing external backup HDDs, keyboard, mouse, monitor, external speakers, laptop, tablet and pen, headphones, notebook, memory card and Adobe Premiere Pro on display / This is my actual working desktop and tools.


Photo of Hard Drives on Desk

  • ID: 5a442fe473302e43298b4578
  • Original Size: 4076 x 2707px
  • Subscription: Not available
  • License Type: Royalty Free
  • Upload Date: December 27, 2017
  • Permission: Not Applicable or No.
  • Editorial Use: Yes
  • Commercial Use: No