calorie, catering, chili, chinese, cook, cookery, cooking, cuisine, delicious, diet, diner, dinner, dish, eat, edibles, food, gourmet, green, healthy, hot, ingredient, italian, lunch, luncheon, macrobiotic, meal, nutrition, nutritional, organic, pasta, peppers, plate, prawn, recipe, red, restaurant, sauce, seafood, serve, shrimp, slimming, spicy, tasty, tomato, vegetables, glass, wine, dry, white, shrimps, filled, apple, maneuver, vine, pepper, sinitic, sustenance, stroke, crimson, eating apple, alcohol, sino-tibetan, flavorer, consumer, beverage, edible fruit, factor, vegetable, formula, comestible, fare, tennis stroke, direction, worker, eater, component, plant, produce, flatware, fertilizer, ware, pome, building, runt, plant part, piquant, skilled worker, tableware, element, person, fruit, work unit, condiment
italian spaghetti pasta and fresh spicy shrimps sauce,with a grass of dry white wine on background