asia, asien, southeastasia, suedostasien, lao, laos, khammuan, zentral laos, central lao, tha khaek, city, town, old town, altstadt, markt, market, nightmarket, nachtmarkt, menschen, people, alltag, square, platz, abend, evening, dusk, building, chair, nighttime, concrete, wearing, person, sitting, black, white, shirt, marketplace, seat, furnishing, clothing, tai, landmass, district, kadai, edifice, rectangle, metropolis, someone, urban area, dark, building material, urban center, paving, nightfall, twilight, day, asian country, furniture, sino-tibetan, night
a evening on the nightmarket in the old town of Tha Khaek in central Lao in the region of Khammuan in Lao in Souteastasia.