asia, asien, southeastasia, suedostasien, lao, laos, khammuan, zentral laos, central lao, tha kkaek, landscape, landschaft, natur, nature, road 12, landstrasse 12, strasse 12, mahaxai mai, provinz, province, bergregion, buffalo, bueffel, agraculture, landwirtschaft, cow, kuh, tier, animal, nutztier, framing, farm, herd, water buffalo, bovid, grade, rank, bovine, cattle, tai, landmass, ruminant, district, kadai, vicinity, state, scenery, american bison, old world buffalo, asian country, level, sino-tibetan, bison, workplace, mammal
Buffalos in the landscape on the road12 bedwen the Towns of Tha Khaek and the Village of Mahaxai Mai in central Lao in the region of Khammuan in Lao in Souteastasia.