AMERICA, AMERIKA, LATIN AMERICA, LATIN AMERIKA, ZENTRAL AMERIKA, CENTRAL AMERICA, MITTELAMERIKA, GUATEMALA, ESQUIPULAS, PEOPLE, MENSCHEN, HUT, HAT, MEXICO, MEKIKO, INDIO, INDIA, INDIOS, CACAO, KAKAO, CACAO BEAN, KAKAO BOHNE, SCHOKOLADE, FARMER, BAUER, CHOCOLATE, EXORT, AGROCULTURE, LANDWIRTSCHAFT, focus, vegetables, man, holding, green, photography, shallow, mexico, India, united states, india, cocoa, central american country, concentration, clothing, cacao, district, creator, woody plant, United States of America, farmer, vegetable, America, hat, beverage, plant, United States, food, U.S., attention, hut, guatemala, produce, adult, faculty, asian country, Mexico, people, tree, person, north american country, shelter, male
Mexican farmer with cacao beans at the church in the town of Esquipulas in Guatemala in central America.