ASIA, ASIEN, BRUNEI, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM, DARUSSALAM, BANDAR SERI BEGAWAM, SOUTHEASTASIA, BORNEO, MUSEUM, KRONINSIGNIEN MUSEUM, ROYAL, ROYAL REGALIA MUSEUM, KINGDOM, ROYAL MUSEUM, LANDMARK, WAHRZEICHEN, SEHENSWUERDIKEIT, building, grey, white, internal, green, facility, edifice, Asia, sphere, landmass, realm, fabric, district, borneo, museum, sail, royal, asia, environment, inner, sultanate, kingdom, brunei, piece of cloth, gray, land, island, landmark, situation, piece
the Kroninsignien Museum or Royal Ragalia Museum in the city of Bandar seri Begawan in the country of Brunei Darussalam on Borneo in Southeastasia.