ASIA, ASIEN, THAILAND, SUEDOSTASIEN, BANGKOK, DEMO, DEMONSTRATION, PROTES, ANTI, GOUVERNMENT, PROTESTERS, POLITIK, POLITICS, PROTESTS, ALLTAG, MENSCHEN, POEPLE, NEWS, 2014, FLAG, hair, man, wearing, combing, woman, tents, daytime, yellow, bandanna, national capital, handkerchief, show, tidings, Asia, seat, decoration, daylight, anti, thailand, politics, demonstration, port, city, landmass, diversion, fabric, district, entertainment, objection, asia, capital, presentation, tent, emblem, shelter, urban area, piece of cloth, bangkok, flag, adult, dissenter, news, day, asian country, male, word, center, protest, person, design, piece
Thai anti-government protesters during a rally at the Democracy Monument in .Bangkok, Thailand, Saturday Jan.11 , 2014.