abstract, art, blue, tone, book, pages, close up, open, publication, background, research, article, bookshelf, close, data, design, document, education, information, knowledge, learn, library, literature, macro, magazine, media, old, page, paper, print, publish, read, school, story, studying, table, up, white, weekend, cabin, life, winter, fall, season, resting, holiday, concept, cabinet, hardcover, photo album, photo albums, instruction, autumn, furnishing, linguistic process, flavor, print media, educational institution, leaf, support, vacation, writing, end, outside, papers, furniture, perusal, medium, outdoors, time off, leisure, investigation, press, sheet, spirit, upwards, compartment, room, cognition, work, shelf, magnified, tale, hardback, narrative, newspaper, upward
Close up opened book page with blurry bookshelf background for education and publication concept , extremely DOF with vintage retro color tone