background, bend, black, boat, bowline, cable, climbing, close, closeup, concept, conceptual, connection, cord, fasten, gauze, gray, hang, hold, isolated, knot, line, loop, loose, marine, material, metaphor, natural, nautical, navy, noose, ocean, piece, rope, rough, safety, sailing, sailor, sea, ship, shipping, string, texture, thread, tie, tight, twist, up, weave, white, yacht, force, bent, loop knot, site, decoration, achiever, mile, design, aptitude, neckwear, clothing, ribbon, cotton, end, fabric, necktie, turn, endowment, seafaring, vehicle, rhetorical device, military service, employment, transportation, conductor, rise, worker, craft, nautical mile, snare, knack, upwards, commerce, photograph, transaction, skilled worker, grey, person, fastener, trap, climb, cringle, trope, upward
black and white bowline gauze on marine rope and shadow