active, activity, adventure, backpack, boy, brother, forest, freedom, girl, green, hike, hiker, hiking, holiday, journey, lifestyle, nature, outdoors, ramble, sibling, sister, sportswear, summer, teenager, trail, tramp, travel, trip, two, vacations, wander, young, activities, relax, relaxation, enjoy, enjoyment, enjoying, breathing, quality time, weekend, weekend activites, juvenile, haversack, rest, walk, pedestrian, woods, traveler, age group, time off, adolescent, bag, clothing, vagrant, vacation, male sibling, outside, 2, female sibling, attire, exercise, kinswoman, life style, male child, season, workout, leisure, repose, knapsack, path, wood, wanderer, work, poor person, youth, person, magnitude, vegetation, undertaking, pleasure, male, amble
Young boy and girl wandering in a forest on summer day equipped with backpacks