30-34 years, 6-7 years, affectionate, barefoot, beard, birthday - event, bush, casual clothing, caucasian ethnicity, celebration event, cheerful, childhood, domestic life, enjoyment, family holiday, family with one child, fun, happiness, hipster - person, human relationship, identical clothing on everyone, landscape, leisure activity, leisure games, lifestyles, love - emotion, mixed age range, multi colored, multi colored balloons, outdoors, people, plants, playful, portrait, positive emotion, pursuit - concept, pursuit of happiness, shrub, smiling, summer, sunglasses, togetherness, two generation family, vibrant color, woodland, facial expression, fond, closeness, belonging, hair, tender, life style, spectacles, vicinity, facial hair, woody plant, forest, statement, smile, scenery, plant, outside, season, diversion, time of life, grin, grinning, pleasure, gesture
Mother and her cute son spending time outdoors. Wonderful ballons in her hand.