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water, traffic signal, windscreens, windscreen, wind, wet, traffic, splash, evening, road, headlights, rain, liquid, droplets, drop, dripping, cold, closeup, cool tone, colour, commute, close up, cars, bubble, blue, abstract, background, beading, wetness, decoration, sphere, ball, windshield, low temperature, light, temperature, automobile, travel, headlight, coldness, wheeled vehicle, moisture, vehicle, noise, auto, screen, journey, motor vehicle, precipitation, day, sound, droplet, photograph, round shape, route, flow, globule, weather, car, protective covering


Traffic stands still, on a cold, wet day, shot through a car windscreen, focusing on the rain droplets, tailights and traffic passing opposite out of focus. Bokeh from brake lights.

  • ID: 5b1fb4186240356e87c84a9b
  • Original Size: 3456 x 2304px
  • Original File Size: 4.01 MB
  • Subscription: Available
  • License Type: Royalty Free
  • Upload Date: June 12, 2018
  • Permission: Not Applicable or No.
  • Editorial Use: Yes
  • Commercial Use: Yes