30-34 years, 8-9 years, Ko Samui, Thailand, asia, balance, beard, caucasian ethnicity, childhood, close-up, cute, father and son, freedom, fun, handsome, happiness, heat - temperature, island, joy, landscape, laughing, life, lifestyles, males, mixed age range, non-urban scene, offspring, one parent, outdoors, people, playful, portrait, shirtless, sky, smiling, summer, sunglasses, swimwear, togetherness, toothless smile, travel destinations, tropical climate, tropical pattern, two people, vibrant color, fine-looking, closeness, belonging, rest, vicinity, hair, bathing suit, clothing, spectacles, district, young, facial hair, outside, facial expression, animal, smile, scenery, life style, statement, season, diversion, landmass, time of life, thailand, remainder, grin, photograph, asian country, swimsuit, grinning, male, gesture, outdoor, neighborhood, disposition, locality, age group, familiarity, territory, nature, recreation, youth, friendliness, glasses