Pro Audio, abstract, arena, audio, broadcasting, closeup, communication, concept, console, control, data, designer, desk, digital, dj, editor, electronic, engineer, entertainment, equipment, fader, festival, industrial, industry, isolated, lighting, live, media, mixer, mixing console, music, music festival, operator, panel, person, post-production, producer, professional, sound, sound engineering, station, stereo, studio, summer, system, technical, technician, technology, television, gathering, creator, profession, domain, broadcast medium, engineering, someone, furnishing, table, illumination, sheet, expert, skilled worker, TV, specialist, facility, environment, application, pickup, wheeled vehicle, decorator, social gathering, party, furniture, function, field, medium, telecommunication, power, season, vehicle, worker, console table, diversion, reproducer, motor vehicle, sociable, manufacturer, photograph, sphere, transmission, light, electronic equipment, truck, disk jockey, broadcaster, military vehicle, workplace, audio system, situation, maker, interior designer
Stage side Low level view of Faders on a Professional Audio Sound Mixing Console at music festival, black Faders and pink purple background