bread, organic, slice, cut, food, knife, homemade, pastry, holding, bakery, concept, fresh, man, background, hand, kitchen, loaf, brown, rural, eating, healthy eating, gluten free, warm, bake, baker, care, give, meal, rustic, traditional, whole, artisan, oven, bakehouse, boulanger, bun, cook, crust, female, hot, rye, yeast, close, cooking, delicious, eat, home, made, tasty, shop, edge tool, apple, baked goods, elasticity, commoner, eating apple, demeanor, seed, dough, feeding, home appliance, loaf of bread, consumption, skilled worker, concoction, discourtesy, edible fruit, new, durables, kitchen appliance, cutter, merchant, starches, tool, attention, worker, pome, produce, adult, fertilizer, end, novel, businessperson, room, plant part, work, appliance, person, fruit, grain, workplace, craftsman, leaven, male, insolence
Half and sliced bread on a wooden old board