Person, Light, Traffic Light, Car, Automobile, Vehicle, Transportation, Pants, Apparel, Clothing, Denim, Jeans, Backpack, Bag, Machine, Wheel, Pedestrian, 30-39 years, 8-9 years, Bukit Bintang District, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, adult, adventure, capital cities, casual clothing, caucasian ethnicity, childhood, city bus, city street, city tour, crosswalk, cute, father and son, freedom, fun, glass - material, global communications, handsome people, happiness, hipster - person, joy, laughing, lifestyles, males, men, metropolis living, modern style, monorail, multi-generation family, one parent only, people, pointing, portrait, real people, single father, smiling, son, station, technology, togetherness, tourist, traffic light, travel destinations, travel on foot, traveling by bus, traveling with backpack, two people, urban scene, facility, profession, belonging, malaysia, engineering, traveler, district, application, grin, animal, smile, facial expression, life style, statement, closeness, diversion, time of life, child, path, asian country, man, male offspring, boy, undertaking, work, grinning, person, crossing, grownup, railway, male, gesture