Clothing, Skirt, Apparel, Person, Human, Footwear, Shoe, Cosplay, Crowd, Female, Sunglasses, Accessory, Accessories, Hair, Woman, san franciscans, Bay to Breakers Marathon, Bay to Breakers, Bay to Breakers race, costumes, street party, street fair, fun, funny, offbeat, odd, unusual, strange, quirky, weird, outlandish, unique, quirkiness, peculiar, idiosyncratic, off-the-wall, unconventional, wacky, bizarre, freaky, out of the ordinary, uncommon, ; amazement; amazing; awe; awes; carefree; comical; daring;innov, eldritch, oddity, far-out, funny story, wit, costume, queer, curious, clothing, special, extraordinariness, unfamiliarity, rhythm, attire, upbeat, uncommonness, musical time, eccentric, diversion, alone, cockamamie, joke, silly, unusualness