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Tree, Plant, Vegetation, Tree Trunk, Outdoors, Forest, Woodland, Land, Nature, Scenery, Grove, Landscape, Green, ancestors, branches, nature, skylight, spirituality, landscape, countryside, trees, mindfulness, green, energies, leaves, inner, strength, grass, blue, journey, wide, roots, shadows, growth, meditation, development, spiritualty, leaf, supporting structure, thinking, broad, travel, vicinity, woody plant, window, branch, scenery, division, plant, herb, scene, dark, framework, shadow, darkness, attentiveness, plant part, tree, person, foliage, growing


You’re roots go far and wide, trees, branches,nature, leaves,grass, green,sky, blue, light, landscape, shadows, countryside, ancestors trees, spirituality, mindfulness, meditation, energies, inner journey, strength, growth,

  • ID: 5c3716a56af61c19764f79e5
  • Original Size: 4032 x 3024px
  • Original File Size: 4.23 MB
  • Subscription: Available
  • License Type: Royalty Free
  • Upload Date: January 10, 2019
  • Permission: Not Applicable or No.
  • Editorial Use: Yes
  • Commercial Use: Yes