Apparel, Person, Human, Pedestrian, Coat, Overcoat, Truck, Transportation, Vehicle, Jacket, Shoe, Footwear, Electronics, Suit, Pants, Clothing, homeless, homelessness, social class, society, life, variation, sorrow, sadness, businessman, youth, contrasting, people, people in a line, street, human activity, lifestyle, unfortunate, life style, regret, juvenile, person, businessperson, young person, road
VARIATIONS OF LIFE - This photo was a challenge to take. I wanted to get a capture of the differing lives on the busy Oxford Street. I stood in the same place for 40 minutes to get the right shot. It shows a youth captured by his phone, a rushing businessman in a sharp suit, and a homeless person in despair and sadness. Taken by me, Lewis Smith, next to Oxford Street station, London on my Nikon Coolpix S9700.