Lightbulb, Lighting, savings, energy, rating, led, lighting, compare, bulbs, certificate, light, chart, classification, classify, concepts, cost, ecology, economic, effective, efficiency, electric, electricity, environment, graph, green, illustration, low, performance, power, technology, lamp, equipment, fluorescent, bulb, spent, comparison, idea, generation, lightbulb, saving, new, economy, tech, solution, right, technological, better, conventional, cree, class a, various, light-emitting diode, lighting fixture, similarity, money, fixture, light bulb, engineering, weather, illumination, sameness, semiconductor device, ratio, electric light, show, diode, writing, application, investigation, wheeled vehicle, amerind, economical, vehicle, answer, document, evaluation, electric lamp, statement, conductor, profession, standard, fund, motor vehicle, conception, valuation, air mass, social event, likeness, technical, car, work, outgo, situation, algonquian, appraisal, example
positioning of various lightings by energy savings and by colors