Equipment, Music, Sound, Technology, Turntable, analog, audio, background, disc, dj, electronic, equalizer, hip, hop, instrument, mix, mixer, mixing, musical, producer, producing, production, professional, radio, record, recording, scratch, setup, studio, vintage, vinyl, Electronics, Stereo, Indoors, Cooktop, Amplifier, sliders, mixers, tools, plates, working, antique, gathering, weight, creator, excavation, profession, jump, counterweight, tableware, platform, analogue, technology, combination, apparatus, application, propulsion, show, broadcasting, disk jockey, social gathering, social event, party, plate, play, medium, music, telecommunication, sound recording, tool, flatware, ware, sociable, manufacturer, sound, musical comedy, phonograph record, engineering, person, broadcaster, workplace, movie, turntable, maker, musical theater
Working tools for the dj, plates, mixers, and sliders for audio.