Clothing, Apparel, Water, Person, Human, Swimwear, Shorts, Bikini, Female, Face, Water Park, Amusement Park, Girl, Outdoors, Vacation, Portrait, Photo, Photography, water, child, children, kid, splash, hot, weather, summer, summertime, splashing, spray, spraying, fun, enjoy, joy, garden, backyard, home, playing, real, authentic, candid, vacations, funny, lawn, sprinkler, hose, lifestyle, childhood, outdoors, wet, outside, preschooler, sunny, action, happy, active, girl, little, cooling, refresh, refreshing, family, juvenile, outdoor, manual labor, household, exercise, funny story, wit, clothing, time off, spread, plot, field, vacation, mechanism, dispersion, application, bracing, change of magnitude, youngster, moisture, season, holiday, blunt, wetness, minor, life style, noise, hosiery, frank, workout, leisure, diversion, expansion, time of life, cheery, sound, yard, extension, joke, work, person, spatter, footwear, crop-dusting, fresh, painting, pesticide, forthright
Little cute adorable kids enjoying a cool water sprayed by their father during hot summer day in backyard. Candid people, real moments, authentic situations