Wood, Outdoors, Soil, Play Area, Playground, Rust, abstract, alloy, architecture, armored, base, binding, build, cage, circle, closeup, coil, construct, construction, curve, development, engineering, foundation, frame, framework, heavy, industrial, industry, iron, material, mesh, metal, metallic, pattern, pole, rebar, reinforcing, rod, rolled, round, site, skeleton, steel, strong, structure, support, welding, wire, work site, wrought iron, israel, reinforce concrete, ground, hole, hole in ground, wooden plank, performer, flesh, profession, set, human body, earth, technology, enclosure, fabric, district, attraction, actor, improvement, application, extremum, circular, body, mixture, opening, anatomy, band, fastening, building, photograph, land, conception, basis, person, minimum, limit, entertainer, model, joining
Steel rod used for poles construction with reinforce concrete in a hole in the ground at construction site.