Food, Confectionery, Ice, Nature, Outdoors, Plant, Hot Dog, Alcohol, Drink, Beverage, Jelly, Ice Pop, Soda, tea, ice, glass, drink, lemon, cold, beverage, liquid, sweet, fresh, green, refreshment, cool, frozen, cocktail, fruit, cube, slice, freshness, iced, cup, drop, refreshing, yellow, wet, splashing, leaf, transparent, studio, motion, citrus, condensation, water, purity, lemonade, summer, lime, piece, full, ice-tea, leaves, ice cube, application, wetness, produce, sphere, tableware, appearance, crystalline, phase of the moon, mixed drink, low temperature, fruit drink, alcohol, composure, woody plant, bite, novelty, coldness, food, edible fruit, moisture, manual labor, new, full moon, aplomb, plant, bracing, nature, season, disposition, phase, ware, temperature, novel, plant part, round shape, work, tree, crystal, fruit tree, spatter, workplace, foliage, painting, meal