Crib, Trash, Plastic, Shopping Cart, abandoned, background, cart, concept, consumerism, decay, dirty, dump, environment, fast, fastfood, food, garbage, green, grunge, homeless, icon, isolated, litter, metal, nobody, object, paper, recycle, recycling, row, shopping, slum, space, stack, symbol, trash, trash-food, urban, waste, white, work, heap, soil, image, site, commoner, city district, self-denial, unclean, dirtiness, slum area, district, thinking, wheeled vehicle, vehicle, pile, picture, medium, theory, economic theory, dirt, explanation, cipher, rubbish, press, acquiring, buying, wagon, soiled, batch, print media, person, purchase, mass, newspaper
Shopping cart full of garbage bags. A representation of consumerism and trash food.