Outdoors, Nature, Plant, Flower, Blossom, Land, Lily, Pond Lily, Pond, Vegetation, Makino Botanical Garden, Botanical Garden, Dr Tomitaro Makino, Tomitaro Makino, Kochi Botanical Garden, Kochi, Makino, garden, plot
Makino Botanical Garden was created to honor the achivement of Dr Tomitaro Makino the father of plant taxonomy in Japan. In addition to its vast gardens, it has also a center for education and research actvities, with particular focus on medicinal plants. This Botanical Garden displays various wild plants of Kochi Prefecture from the Pacific basin to the Shikoku Mountains. In the North Garden, Dr. Tomitaro Makino’s beloved cherries and azaleas bloom in Spring, covering the northern slope of the mountain. In Autumn, yellow Patrinia and Japanese clover flower prevail. The South Garden was formerly part of the Chikurinji Temple and was designed to complement existing pathways and temple features. Many other features are located in the South Garden as well, including the greenhouse and wild azaleas.