Rock, Painting, Art, Animal, Bird, Plywood, Text, Texture, abstract, backdrop, background, beautiful, blank, brown, chalk, closeup, day, design, graphic, grunge, grungy, happy, heart, holiday, love, material, natural, oak, old, panel, parquet, pattern, plank, romance, romantic, rotten, rough, scratched, sign, surface, symbol, texture, textured, valentine, vintage, wallpaper, weathered, wheel, whie, wood, wooden, antique, soil, site, achiever, paper, time off, dirtiness, twenty-four hours, sheet, lousy, character, vacation, mechanism, machine, board, grimy, spar, idealist, scenery, picture, sweetheart, visionary, relationship, dirt, love affair, leisure, building material, stage set, icky, photograph, mineral, signal, floor, dingy, person, lumber, lover
Symbol of heart made with white chalk on a wooden rough panel and rotten.