Nature, Land, Plant, Tree, Abies, Fir, Water, Vegetation, Green, Grass, Conifer, Scenery, Wilderness, Woodland, Forest, Landscape, Panoramic, Pine, trees, forest, vista, tree area, terrain, adventure, summer, cliff, edge, evergreen, evergreen tree, evergreen trees, conifer, conifer trees, woods, wooded, land, land feature, no people, view from above, view, outdoors, wetlands, pond, wetland plants, wetland, hiking, vibrant, vibrant color, forestation, trail, commonwealth, scene, walk, aspect, travel, lake, woody plant, state, wood, vegetation, plant, outside, season, nation, path, pool, undertaking, work, tree, vivacious, hike
A view from a rocky cliff shows a forest surrounding an area of wetlands with a pond.