Asphalt, Rug, Road, Text, Symbol, Word, Sign, Alphabet, Zebra Crossing, Outdoor, asphalt, background, black, city, concept, figure, footpath, gray, grey, ground, icon, lane, man, path, pathway, pavement, pedestrian, people, person, red, road, safety, sidewalk, sign, signal, silhouette, street, symbol, traffic, transport, urban, vertical, walk, warning, way, white, outdoor, image, pass, direction, course, traveler, earth, base on balls, district, outside, crimson, way of life, picture, metropolis, someone, transportation, urban area, urban center, paving, land, outline, accomplishment, informing, male, route, adult
White pedestrian signal of person on asphalt, walkway pedestrian. Information and security. Faded red pedestrian stripes.