Apparel, Clothing, Baby, Newborn, Stain, Indoors, Bed, Furniture, Home Decor, absorbent, background, bathroom, beauty, bed, black, blood, care, closeup, color, conceptual, conversion, cotton, cycle, daily, dirty, emergency, female, feminine, femininity, floor, girl, gynecology, health, hygiene, indoor, indoors, menarche, menses, menstrual, menstruation, monthly, object, pains, people, period, pink, protection, red, spot, stained, white, woman, women, young, toilet, grammatical category, good fortune, juncture, lavatory, fiber, furnishing, periodical, absorbent material, age group, crisis, unclean, discipline, prosperity, publication, medicine, life science, start, crimson, john, transformation, sanitariness, medium, pain, attention, photograph, bedroom furniture, period of time, adult, press, fortune, class, symptom, furniture, soiled, room, science, inside, work, wellbeing, print media, youth, person, sorbent, gender, newspaper, medical science, round
Panties in bloody stain. Beginning of the menstrual cycle. Signal of the transition from girl to woman. Selective focus.