architecture, arm, background, building, business, carry, city, civil, commercial, construction, crane, crawler, day, development, engineering, environment, estate, equipment, expansion, ground, growth, heavy, hoist, industrial, job, labor, lifting, machine, mechanism, metal, mobile, move, occupation, outdoors, outside, project, service, site, sky, steel, structure, tall, technology, tool, transportation, urban, vertical, windows, work, yellow, horizontal image, performer, ad, profession, direction, limb, follower, code, grus, coding system, earth, business activity, twenty-four hours, district, constellation, edifice, actor, writing, application, change of magnitude, metropolis, mixture, lifting device, urban area, outdoor, difficulty, land, urban center, flatterer, promotion, growing, task, alloy, enlargement, undertaking, operating system, sycophant, person, entertainer, improvement, problem, software
Yellow and black construction crane arm and cables against a cloudy sky