Invertebrate, Insect, Paper, Wood, Art, Strap, abandoned, backdrop, background, cellulose, cement, concrete, conservation, day, discarded, disposable, disposal, disposed, dropped, dumped, empty, earth, environment, environmental, leaf, foliage, footpath, garbage, ground, harmful, illegal, inconsiderate, irresponsible, left, litter, littered, organic, outdoors, outside, package, packaging, paper, path, paved, pavement, pollution, pulp, refuse, science, sidewalk, straw, trash, used, walkway, waste, wrapper, horizontal, scenery, outdoor, macromolecule, item, packet, walk, carbohydrate, press, fiber, skill, clothing, twenty-four hours, management, impurity, administration, improvement, cluttered, pathway, body, direction, medium, publicity, negligee, molecule, social control, bundle, building material, stage set, course, paving, rubbish, fertilizer, transformation, way of life, land, plant part, print media, environmental condition, mass, newspaper, promotion, woman's clothing, polysaccharide
Paper from a straw on a cement walkway next to a leaf