Field, Outdoors, Grassland, Land, Countryside, Scenery, Soil, Paddy Field, Rural, Landscape, Aerial View, Road, Slope, terrace, terrace cultivation, terrace farming, terrace field, farm, mountain, hill, hills, hillside, land, landscape, step, mountainous, water, water background, water backgrounds, green, green background, sun, sunny, tribe, tribal, tribes, rice, rice paddies, farmer, farmers, buffalo, buffaloes, plough, ploughs, ploughing, hill walking, walk, minority, minorities, minors, slope, juvenile, tilling, creator, cragged, move, production, pass, plow, base on balls, ruminant, decision, bovid, vicinity, american bison, state, cultivation, animal, bison, commonwealth, minor, youngster, scenery, maneuver, food, starches, tool, choice, child, cheery, nation, plowing, kid, commerce, transaction, industry, accomplishment, person, grain, workplace, mammal, patio
Terrace field in the North West of Vietnam