Leopard, Animal, Jaguar, Mammal, Wildlife, Ocelot, adventure, africa, animal, big, camouflage, carnivorous, cat, comfortable, dangerous, drive, elephant, elusive, eyes, fat, feline, fur, furry, grace, grass, hunter, laziness, lazy, leopard, mammal, natural, nature, open, opening eyes, panther, panthera pardus, park, pattern, pelt, predator, relaxation, relaxing, reserve, rest, resting, safari, sand, sleep, sleeping, south, speckled, spots, strength, waking up, wild, wildlife, good will, macromolecule, campaign, expedition, soil, plant, disguise, crusade, earth, reservation, subtle, landmass, district, skilled worker, achiever, travel, indolent, big cat, outside, herb, wrongdoer, spot, marauder, life, semblance, lipid, worker, hunting expedition, molecule, inactiveness, attacker, faineant, journey, repose, disposition, remainder, jaguar, dotted, proboscidean, undertaking, work, appearance, pachyderm, large, person, furred, venture, outdoors, indolence, good nature
A close up portrait of a leopard lying on its back in the grass. The carnivore is just waking up and opening its eyes after getting some sleep.