abstract, airport, architecture, blur, blurred, building, business, cell, center, christmas tree, city, commercial, crowd, customer, design, elevator, escalator, floor, hall, indoor, inside, interior, lifestyle, light, luxury, mall, market, metro, mobile phone, modern, motion, motion blur, move, people, person, retail, shop, shopping, speed, staircase, stairs, stairway, station, store, subway, technology, transportation, marketplace, plaza, indulgence, ad, facility, indiscipline, profession, gathering, engineering, selling, business activity, life style, district, edifice, passage, airfield, application, corridor, compartment, hallway, metropolis, someone, purchase, lifting device, urban area, urban center, passageway, promotion, buying, shopping center, commerce, transaction, acquiring, undertaking, work, rate, steps, velocity, railway, consumer
people on the escalators with staircase near a Christmas tree, motion blured