Leaf, Water, Outdoors, Food, Nature, Land, Blossom, Sprout, Bud, Flower, Green, splash, fern, water, leaf, video, nature, environment, organic, 2K, botany, tropical, branch, health, liquid, clean, ingredient, slow motion, falling, backgrounds, closeup, wash, 1080, background, fall, motion, underwater, air, bublle, slowmo, green, foliage, plant, garden, growth, natural, fresh, flora, bush, leaves, close-up, isolated, palm, stem, botanical, pattern, texture, decorative, palm tree, palma, twig, cosmetic, branchlet, pteridophyte, autumn, achiever, medium, prosperity, shrub, TV, woody plant, factor, new, vegetation, development, division, noise, telecommunication, plot, season, component, photograph, good fortune, fertilizer, fortune, washing, sound, television, novel, word, plant part, work, wellbeing, element, person, broadcasting, stalk, submerged, growing, root
Natural green leaf of fern is appeearing under water in the glass aquarium with splash and bubbles of water on a grey background. 2K video.