Meal, Food, Fireman, Mammal, Dog, Pet, Animal, Canine, welder, welders, welding, metal, heavy machine, shipbuilding, engine, light, industrial, industrial area, heavy industry, heavy industries, weld, cap, man, gloves, glove, overalls, steel, surface, repairing, repair, fixing, concentrate, labor, hard hat, warm, skill, skilful, skilled, skilled worker, skilled workers, motor, clothing, expert, skillful, proficient, improvement, machine, work-clothing, plant, mixture, handwear, herb, worker, task, adept, construction, adult, fastening, ore, mineral, alloy, dressed ore, undertaking, work, project, person, dyer's rocket, craftsman, reseda, male, joining
A welder repairs a part of a marine engine by welding on new material onto the old surface of the part. The welder works by sitting inside of the part that needs to be repaired.